International Aeronautical Congress of 1889

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Congrès international d'aéronautique held in Paris 31 July through 3 August, 1889; coinciding with the 1889 Exposition universelle (World's Fair). Octave Chanute refers to it as the second international conference on aerial navigation, and the 1893 conference as the third such. Chanute describes a discussion at this conference at length in Chanute, 1891, Aerial navigation.

2003 Encyclopedia says this was the first conference where the phrase "international air law" was recorded. Predecessor to Permanent International Aeronautic Commission.

Organizing committee included:[1]

1. Aviation section:[2]

2. Balloons construction:

  • Yon, president
  • Arson, engineer for the Parisian gas company, VP
  • Abel Corot, secretary

3. Applied chemistry & physics:

4. Aeronautical maneuvers

Distinguished guests:

Also in attendance:

August 1: M. Rigaut spoke on the history of aviation and suggested a division into two schools: imitators of soaring birds and imitators of flapping birds. Amans, Chanute, and Drzewiecki discuss aerodynamics and lift.[1]

The Revue de l'aéronautique théorique et appliquée took a snarky tone regarding the selection of the officers for the Congress (for some reason, and despite the inclusion of Renard, Tissandier, and Janssen from its own editorial committee):

Il est vraisemblable que le public instruit ne verra pas sans un certain étonnement le singulier assemblage de noms qui forme la liste de membre du comité d'organisation du congrès aéronautique. Le charlatanisme et la science semblent s'y donner fraternellement la main...
Mais nous n'avons pas à nous occuper des inspirations qui peuvent avoir déterminé les choix de M. le Ministre du commerce, et notre impartialité nous fait un devoir de n'apprécier cette tentative de congrès que d'après ses résultats, en souhaitant que ceux-ci soient profitables à la aéronautique française.[3]

Event names International Aeronautical Congress of 1889, Second International Congress of Aeronauts and Aviators, Congrès international d'aéronautique, Congrès international aéronautique
Event type conference
Country FR
Locations Paris
Start date 1889-07-31
Number of days 4
Tech focus LTA, airplane, airfoil
Participants Jules Janssen, Eugène Rigaut, Gaston Tissandier, Gabriel Yon, Adrien Duté-Poitevin, Étienne-Jules Marey, Nadar, Charles Renard, Albert-Charles Tissandier, Abel Hureau de Villeneuve, du Hauvel, Triboulet, Émile Cassé, W. Bertrand de Fonvielle, Wilfrid de Fonvielle, Eugène Godard II, Hervé, Julhes, Lachambre, Frédéric Lhoste, Louis Mangot, Napoli, Van. Roosebecke, Léon Teisserenc de Bort, Eugène Rigaut, Stéphane Drzewiecki, Amans, Alexandre Arson, Abel Corot, Augustin Chavez, Emmanuel Aimé, Baron de Teffé, Charles Labrousse, Frédéric Lhoste, Octave Chanute, G.–E. Phillips, Paul Amans, Albert Bazin


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Congrès international d'aéronautique: Tenu à Paris du 31 juillet au 3 août 1889: Procès-Verbaux Sommaires". Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1889.
  2. Procès-Verbaux, pp. 5–6.
  3. "Chronique: Le Congrès aéronautique de 1889", Revue de l'aéronautique théorique et appliquée, 2(1), January 1889, pp. 37–38.


  • Brockett p18, B#233 (but listed title conflicts with publication date)
  • Chanute refers to it in an address to the 1893 international conference on Aerial Navigation:
  • Osma ́nczyk and Mango, 2003, Encyclopedia, p. 54 entry on "Air Law, International" . . . Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International Agreement: Volume 1: A to F. Taylor & Francis.

[1] 2941 pages [2]