German patent classifications 1877
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The classes are listed alphabetically! They did not insert new categories so far as I can tell, and only changed definitions of classes meaningfully in a few cases. The successor system has suffixes, so there was a DE 77h and a DE 77h group 3 after 1900.
Sources on German patent classes in 1884-1900:
- ‘’Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift: Beihefte’’, Volume 5, Oct 1884, page 424 and thereabouts
- ‘’Auszüge aus den Patentschriften’’, Volume 18, 1897, page 77-99 and thereabouts
Klasse | Topic / title | Title in English |
1 | Aufbereitung | Processing |
2 | Bäderei | Bathing |
3 | Bekleidungsindustrie | Clothing industry |
4 | Beleuchtung (1897: Beleuchtungsgegenstaende) | Lighting (1897: Lighting objects) |
5 | Bergbau | Mining |
6 | Bier und Branntwein | Beer and brandy |
7 | Bled- und Drahterzeugung | Sheet and wire making |
8 | Bleischen | Lead work |
9 | Borstenwaarenfabrikation | Bristles manufacture |
10 | Brennstoffe | Fuels |
11 | Buchbinderei | Bookbinding |
12 | Chemische Apparate | Chemical apparatus |
13 | Dampfkessel | Steam boiler |
14 | Dampfmaschinen | Steam engines |
15 | Druckerei | Printing house |
16 | Düngerbereitung | Fertilizer preparation |
17 | Eisbereitung | Making ice |
18 | Eisenerzeugung | Iron production |
19 | Eisenbahnbau (1897: Eisenbahn- und Straßenbau) | Railway construction (1897: railway and road construction) |
20 | Eisenbahnbetrieb | Railway operations |
21 | Elektrische Apparate und Telegraphie (1897: Elektrische Apparate) | Electrical apparatus and telegraphy (1897: Electrical apparatus) |
22 | Farbstoffe | Dyes |
23 | Fettindustrie | Fats industry |
24 | Feuerungsanlagen | Combustion plants |
25 | Flechtmaschinen | Braiding machines |
26 | Gasbereitung | Gas preparation |
27 | Gebläse | Blower |
28 | Gerberei | Tannery |
29 | Gespinnstfasern | Spun fibers? |
30 | Gesundheitspflege | Health care |
31 | Geisserei | Food processing? |
32 | Glas | Glass |
33 | Hand- und Reisegeräthe | Hand tools and travel devices |
34 | Gaswirtschaftliche Geräthe | Gas-industry appliances (?) |
35 | Hebezeuge | Hoists |
36 | Heizungsanlagen | Heating systems |
37 | Hochbau (1897: Hochbauwesen) | Building construction |
38 | Holz | Wood |
39 | Horn u.s.w. | Horn (materials?) and suchlike |
40 | Hüttenwesen | Metallurgy |
41 | Hutfabrikation | Hat manufacture |
42 | Instrumente | Instruments |
43 | Korbflechterei | Basketry |
44 | Kurzwaaren | Haberdasher |
45 | Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Garten- und Weinbau, Bootechnik | Agriculture and forestry, gardening and viticulture, boat technology |
46 | Luft- und Gaskraftmaschinen | Air and gas engines |
47 | Maschinenelemente | Machine elements |
48 | Metallbearbeitung, chemische | Chemical metalworking |
49 | Metallbearbeitung, mechanische | Mechanical metalworking |
50 | Mühlen | Mills |
51 | Musikalische Instrumente | Musical instruments |
52 | Nähmaschinen | Sewing machines |
53 | Nahrungsmittel | Foodstuffs |
54 | Papiererzeugnisse | Paper products |
55 | Papierfabrikation | Paper technology |
56 | Pferdegeschirre | Harnesses |
57 | Photographie | Photography |
58 | Pressen | Press |
59 | Pumpen | Pumps |
60 | Reglatoren | Regulators, clocks ? |
61 | Rettungswesen | Rescue |
62 | Salinenwesen | Salt work |
63 | Sattlerei | Saddlery |
64 | Schankgeräthschaften | Schank appliances ? |
65 | Schiffbau | Shipbuilding |
66 | Schlachterei | Butchery |
67 | Schleifen | Grinding |
68 | Schlosserei | Metalworking |
69 | Schneidewerkzeuge | Cutting work tools |
70 | Schreib- und Beichenmaterialien | Writing and finishing materials |
71 | Schuhwerk | Footwear |
72 | Schusswaffen | Firearms |
73 | Seilerei | Rope work |
74 | Signalwesen | Signaling |
75 | Soda | Soda |
76 | Spinnerei | Spinning (thread, yarn) |
77 | Sport | Sports |
78 | Sprengstoffe | Explosives |
79 | Tabak | Tobacco |
80 | Thonwaaren (Thon- und steinwaaren-Industrie) | Clay and stone industry |
81 | Transport und Verpackung (1897: Transportwesen, Verladung, Verpackung) | Transport and packaging (1897: Transport, loading, packaging) |
82 | Trockenvorrichtung | Drying |
83 | Uhren | Watches |
84 | Wasserbau | Hydraulic engineering |
85 | Wasserleitung | Water pipes |
86 | Weberei | Weaving |
87 | Werkzeuge | Tools |
88 | Wind- und Wasserkraftmaschinen | Wind and hydroelectric engines |
89 | Zucker- und Stäckefabrikation | Sugar and bakery production |
Enclosing categories | German patent classifications |
Subcategories | DE 77, DE 80 |
Keywords | |
Start year | 1877 |
End year | 1900 |