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Darcy (born ?) was an aero inventor. Le Petit-Montrouge (63, rue des Catacombes, Seine) "DARCY" is the proper name, according to the original document, attached as a reference link below, though "DURCY" seems to be the designation workable for typed searched within the INPI Advanced Search system.

Patents whose inventor or applicant is Darcy

  • Patent FR-1853-15286 (English title: system of aerial navigation applicable to marine navigation, Filing date: 1852-12-29)


http://bases-brevets19e.inpi.fr/index.asp?page=rechercheAvancee http://bases-brevets19e.inpi.fr/Thot/FrmLotDocFrame.asp?idlot=338688&idfic=0076339&resX=1440&resY=900&init=1&visionneuseHTML5=0