DE 77

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The category, Klasse 77, for Sport existed from the beginning of the German patent system circa 1877. It is used by itself in Germany until at least 1896, then is split into subcategories, the most relevant of which is DE 77h, by 1899 The Germany category system was used in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Austria. Class 77 existed lasted a long time afterward.

The title of the category in 1912 was Sport, Spiele, Spielzeuge, Volksbelustigung, Luftschiffahrt.[1]

From the Swedish patent's office's "Introduction to the German Patent Classification (DPK)" online:[2]

The German Patent Office started developing a classification system for its patent documents in 1877. It was published in seven editions between 1906 and 1958, first as "Verzeichnis der deutschen Patentklassen" and later as "Gruppeneinteilung der Patentklassen". Between the editions, modifications were published in the form of "Änderungen" and "Ergänzungslieferungen".

The subsets of the German classes are listed in English on the Swedish site here, and in particular class 77's subsets, linked from that page, are listed here.

In that 2012 document, DE 77d = Games, DE 77f = Toys, and DE 77h = "Racing; Riding sports; Equipment or accessories". DE 77h, it is suggested, maps to IPC A63K. It is not clear whether those definitions were the same at the time of early aero.


  1. Verzeichnis der von dem Kaiserlichen Patentamt for 1912 (published 1913), p. 407.
  2. [1]

This wiki has 160 patents in category "DE 77". Other techtypes related to DE 77: DK 77

Patents in category DE 77

Publications referring to DE 77

Enclosing categories German patent classifications
Subcategories DE 77d, DE 77f, DE 77h
Keywords Sport, Propellers, airships, Hybrid, Helicopter
Start year 1877
End year