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CPC B63 is a patent class for waterborne transportation and related equipment.[1][2]

Nearby class tree

  • CPC B Transporting; performing operations
    • CPC B63 Ships or other waterborne vessels; related equipment
      • CPC B63B Equipment for shipping
      • CPC B63C Launching, hauling-out, or dry-docking of vessels; life-saving in water; equipment for dwelling or working under water; means salvaging or searching for underwater objects
      • CPC B63G Offensive or defensive arrangements on vessels; mine-laying; mine-sweeping; submarines; aircraft carriers
      • CPC B63H Marine propulsion or steering
      • CPC B63J Auxiliaries on vessels


This wiki has 0 patents in category "CPC B63".

Enclosing categories CPC B
Subcategories CPC B63B, CPC B63C, CPC B63G, CPC B63H
Keywords marine equipment, marine propulsion, marine steering
Start year
End year