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Names | Berlin |
Designation | city |
Inside | Prussia, DE |
Includes | Tempelhof, Flugplatz Johannisthal, Berlin-Johannisthal, Berlin-Lichtenberg, Berlin-Reinickendorf, Berlin-Reinickendorf West, Berlin-Halensee, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Berlin-Schöneberg, Berlin-Neukölln, Berlin-Adlershof |
Wikidata id | Q64 |
These events were held in Berlin:
- Allgemeine Luftfahrzeug-Ausstellung Berlin 1912 (Locations: Berlin, Country: DE, Tech focus: Airplane)
- International Aeronautical Conference at Berlin (Start date: 1902-05-20, Locations: Berlin, Country: DE, Tech focus: Meteo • LTA • Kite • Instrument • Military • Ballon-sonde)
- 3rd Gordon Bennett International Balloon Race (Start date: 1908-10-11, Locations: Berlin, Country: DE, Tech focus: LTA)
- Flugwoche (Start date: 1909-08-09, Locations: Berlin, Country: DE, Tech focus: Airplane)
- Berlin Flugwoche exhibition (Start date: 1910, Locations: Berlin, Country: DE)
These people are connected with Berlin:
- Albert Graff (Occupations: Manager • Factory manager, Tech areas: LTA • Propellers • Design)
- Albert Simon (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Non-rigid • LTA • Compartments • Ballonet)
- Alfred K. R. A. Krakow (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Hybrid • Propulsion • Frame)
- Anthony Herman Gerard Fokker (Occupations: Engineer • Pilot • Company founder, Tech areas: Military • Airplane • Monoplane • Design)
- Anton Flettner (Tech areas: Airplane • Lift • Control • Rudder • Wings • Steering • Ascension • Descent)
- Arnold Böcklin (Occupations: Artist, Tech areas: Kite, Affiliations: Deutsche Verein zur Förderung der Luftschiffahrt)
- Arthur Berson (Occupations: Meteorologist, Tech areas: Meteorology • LTA, Affiliations: Königlich Preußische Aeronautische Observatorium)
- August Ernst Grimmer (Occupations: Chef, Tech areas: Parachutes)
- August Kundt (Occupations: Physicist, Tech areas: LTA • Atmosphere, Affiliations: Physikalische Institute)
- Berthold Wassermann (Occupations: Patent atttorney, Tech areas: LTA • Ballonet)
- Boris Loutzkoy (Tech areas: Propulsion • Propeller • Engine • Motors)
- Boris Loutzky (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Motors • Automobiles)
- David Schwarz (Tech areas: LTA • Rigid • Frame • Aluminum • Wood)
- Edmund Kikut (Occupations: Engineer)
- Emil Dueball (Occupations: Technician, Affiliations: Willi Heilemann)
- Emil Lehmann (Occupations: Engineer • Mechanic, Tech areas: Aerodynamics • Gliders • Design • Wings • Frame • Construction • Takeoff)
- Emil Neyen
- Ernst Carl Alexander Baumann (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Kite • Construction • Frame • Chassis • Lift • Stability • Navigation • Automatic stability)
- Ernst de la Sauce (Tech areas: Frame • Car • Navigation • Rigid • Iron, Affiliations: E. de la Sauce & Kloss)
- F. Gaebert
- Friedrich Carl Mayer (Occupations: Chef, Tech areas: Parachutes)
- Friedrich Sasse (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Aerial propeller)
- Guido Kolb (Occupations: Engineer)
- Gustav Lilienthal (Occupations: Mason • Architect • Teacher, Tech areas: Flapping, Affiliations: Royal Aeronautical Society)
- Hans Gross (Occupations: Military officer, Tech areas: LTA • Balloon, Affiliations: Deutsche Verein zur Förderung der Luftschiffahrt)
- Hermann Elias (Occupations: Aeronaut • Meteorologist, Tech areas: Meteorology)
- Hermann Ganswindt (Tech areas: LTA • Propulsion)
- Hermann Ruthenberg (Occupations: Manufacturer • Factory owner, Tech areas: Airship • Dirigibles • LTA • Frame • Construction • Design • HTA • Wings)
- Hugo vom Hagen (Occupations: Military officer, Tech areas: Photography • Patents)
- Johann Peter Nowotnick (Occupations: Merchant)
- Joseph Sablatnig (Occupations: Pilot • Aero experimenter • Company director • Company founder, Tech areas: Seaplanes, Affiliations: Sablatnig Flugzeugbau)
- Karl Bomhard (Occupations: Engineer • Chief engineer, Tech areas: Airplane • Frame • Hybrid • Monoplane • Biplane • Chassis • Fuselage • Launching • Construction • Design)
- Käthe Paulus (Occupations: Balloonist, Tech areas: Parachute • Balloon)
- Kurt Schultze (Occupations: Merchant, Tech areas: Propellers • Hybrid • Helicopter)
- Max Heinrich Bauer (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Hydroplane • Propellers)
- Max Richter (Tech areas: Lift • Airplane • Wings)
- Maximilian Mintz (Occupations: Patent agent)
- Oskar Martienssen
- Otto Lilienthal (Tech areas: Steam • Flapping • Gliders)
- Paul Béjeuhr (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Propeller, Affiliations: Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Luftfahrt)
- Paul Daimler (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Compressor • Engine • Motor, Affiliations: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft • Österreichische Daimler Motoren A. G.)
- Paul Stumpf (Tech areas: Steering • Navigation • Stability • Flying machines • Control • Propellers • Flying machine • Biplane • Frame • Chassis • Wheels • Springs • Shock-absorbers)
- Philipp Doerhoefer (Occupations: Engineer)
- Ramiro de Palacios (Occupations: Consul • Engineer • Merchant)
- Raphael Schwéers (Occupations: Government architect, Tech areas: Ornithopter)
- Richard Aßmann (Occupations: Meteorologist, Tech areas: Meteorology • LTA, Affiliations: Deutsche Verein zur Förderung der Luftschiffahrt • Königlich Preußische Aeronautische Observatorium • International Commission for Scientific Aeronautics)
- Richard Börnstein (Occupations: Meteorologist, Tech areas: LTA • Weather • Barometer, Affiliations: Richard Assmann • Wissenschaftliche Luftfahrten • Physikalisch-Chemische Tabellen • University of Göttingen • University of Heidelberg • Agricultural University of Berlin)
- Richard Wilcke (Occupations: Engineer • Technician, Tech areas: LTA • Design • Valve • Propellers)
- Romeo Wankmüller (Occupations: Engineer • Manager • Managing director, Tech areas: Airship • Signals • Suspension • Nacelle • Illumination, Affiliations: Luft-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft m.b.H.)
- Rudolf Diesel (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Engine • Motor • Electricity • Fuel • Propulsion)
- Victor Kremser (Occupations: Meteorologist • Professor, Tech areas: Meteorology • Gas • Physics, Affiliations: Deutsche Verein zur Förderung der Luftschiffahrt • Königlich Preußisches Meteorologisches Institut)
- Wilhelm Goetjes
- Wilhelm Hoff (Occupations: Engineer, Tech areas: Airplane • LTA • Glider, Affiliations: Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt)
- Wilhelm Kauertz (Occupations: Merchant, Tech areas: Hangars • Airship • Design • Construction • Infrastructure • Takeoff)
- Wilhelm von Bezold (Occupations: Meteorologist, Tech areas: Meteorology • Atmosphere • LTA, Affiliations: Königlich Preußische Aeronautische Observatorium)
- Willi Heilemann (Occupations: Technician, Affiliations: Emil Dueball)
These patent agents are connected with Berlin:A. du Bois-Reymond, M. Wagner und G. Lemke, B. Wassermann, C. Fehlert, G. Loubier, Fr. Harmsen u. A. Büttner, Dr. A. Levy u. Dr. F. Heinemann, E. W. Hopkins u. K. Osius, Otto Siedentopf und Dipl.-Ing. W. Fritz, Pat.-Anwälte, Stefan Glowacki, W. Dame
These companies operated in Berlin:
- Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (Started aero: 1908, Key people: Emil Rathenau, Affiliations: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Deutsche Luftschiffhallen-Bau-Gesellschaft “System Ermus” m. b. H. (Started aero: 1913)
- Flugmaschine Wright-Gesellschaft m. b. H. (Started aero: 1909, Affiliations: Wright Brothers)
- Flugzeugwerke Richard Goetze Kommand Gesellschaft (Started aero: 1916, Key people: Richard Goetze)
- Luft Fahrzeug G.m.b.H. (Started aero: 1908, Affiliations: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H • Krupp • Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft)
- Luftfahrtzeugbau Gessellschaft Ing. Edmund Rumpler (Started aero: 1908, Key people: Edmund Rumpler • Igo Etrich • R. Haessner • Hellmuth Hirth • Werner Wieting • Karl Illner)
- Luftfahrzeug-Gesellschaft m. b. H. (Started aero: 1912, Key people: Krupp • Tantzen)
- Luftschiffantrieb-Gesellschaft m. b. H.
- Sablatnig Flugzeugbau (Started aero: 1915, Key people: Joseph Sablatnig, Affiliations: LVG)
- Siemens & Halske Aktiengesellshaft (Affiliations: Siemens-Schuckert Werke GmbH • Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H)
- Zeppelin Hallenbau G. m. b. H. (Key people: Bruno Kannenberg)
These organizations operated in Berlin:
- Aeronauts of Spende
- Automobil- und Flugtechnische Gesellschaft (Key people: Fritz Huth • Georg von Arco, Affiliated with: DLV • Society of Automobile Engineers, Keywords: Automobile • Motor • Airplane)
- Berlin Air Sports Association (Started aero: 1910, Affiliated with: DLV)
- Borrmann and Kaerting (Started aero: 1910, Keywords: Propellers • Wood)
- Deutsche Verein zur Förderung der Luftschiffahrt (Started aero: 1881, Key people: Wilhelm Angerstein • Arnold Böcklin • Richard Aßmann)
- Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt (Started aero: 1912, Key people: Wilhelm Hoff, Keywords: EV)
- DLV (Started aero: 1902, Key people: Ferdinand von Zeppelin • Alfred Hildebrandt • Stephan von Nieber • Richard Assmann • Hugo Hergesell • Arthur Berson • Heinrich von Kleist • Ernst Wolff • Georg von Arco • Wilhelm von Arco • Gerdes • Johannes Poeschel • Reinhard Süring • Ludwig Prandtl, Affiliated with: FAI)
- German Balloon Corps (Started aero: 1884, Key people: Hermann W. L. Moedebeck • Herwarth von Bittenfeld • Georg von Tschudi, Keywords: LTA • Military)
- Imperial Aero Club (Started aero: 1907, Affiliated with: DLV)
- Imperial Automobile Club, Motored-Flight Committee (Started aero: 1909, Affiliated with: DLV)
- Königlich Preußische Luftschiffer-Abteilung (Started aero: 1884-05-07, Keywords: Military • LTA • Balloon • Captive • Zeppelin • Rigid)
- Luftschiffsantrieb G.m.b.H. (Keywords: LTA • Airship • Hangars • Infrastructure)
- Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H (Key people: August von Parseval • Kaiser Wilhelm II • Ludwig Prandtl)
- Professional Federation for the Aviation Sector
- Verein Deutscher Flugtechniker (Started aero: 1909, Key people: Fritz Huth • August von Parseval, Affiliated with: DLV)
Patents whose inventor or applicant filed from Berlin
- Patent DE-1883-26077 (Inventors: Hugo Hennig • Bernhard Eckert, English title: Airship with steering apparatus, Tech fields: LTA • Navigation • Piloting, Filing date: 1883-06-15)
- Patent DE-1883-29014 (Inventors: Hermann Ganswindt, English title: Airship with steering device, Tech fields: LTA • Navigation • Frame • Balloon • Propulsion • Luftrad • Whole, Filing date: 1883-10-27)
- Patent DE-1884-29080 (Inventors: Otto Lilienthal, English title: Coiled tube boiler, Tech fields: Steam • Design, Filing date: 1884-04-30)
- Patent CH-1890-1960 (Inventors: Wilhelm Lübbecke, English title: Tension and compression rods for building structures, Filing date: 1890-03-13)
- Patent CH-1894-8102 (Inventors: Emil Lachmann, English title: Speedometer, Tech fields: Velocity measurement, Filing date: 1894-01-05)
- Patent CH-1894-8470 (Inventors: Joseph Hofmann, English title: Flying machine, Tech fields: Steam • Propulsion, Filing date: 1894-04-23)
- Patent DE-1894-83896 (Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes, English title: Airship with several flaps or valves provided arranged opposite each other and moving independently, Tech fields: Control • Flaps • Valves • LTA, Filing date: 1894-06-28)
- Patent CH-1894-8987 (Inventors: Ramiro de Palacios • Wilhelm Goetjes, English title: Flying machine, Tech fields: Wheels • Propulsion • Takeoff • Landing, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-83896, Filing date: 1894-07-17)
- Patent DK-1894-494 (Inventors: Wilhelm Goetjes • Ramiro de Palacios, English title: Aircraft, Tech fields: Frame • Navigation • Wheels • Design, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1894-83896, Filing date: 1894-08-08)
- Patent DE-1898-126955 (Inventors: Emil Lehmann, English title: From elevation to put aircraft devices into operation, Tech fields: Gliders • Wings • Construction • Design • Frame • Aerodynamics • Takeoff, Filing date: 1898-08-20)
- Patent DE-1907-192662 (English title: Pressure release valve for air-balloons, Tech fields: LTA • Balloon • Pressure, Filing date: 1907-05-14)
- Patent DE-1907-194166 (English title: Method and device to regulate the inclination of an elongated airship by means of two air sacs, Tech fields: LTA • Dirigible • Sacs, Filing date: 1907-05-14)
- Patent DE-1908-197465 (English title: Airship with air bags, Tech fields: Airship, Filing date: 1907-05-14)
- Patent DE-1907-202942 (English title: Airship rudder, Tech fields: LTA • Dirigible • Navigation • Airship • Rudder • Steering, Filing date: 1907-08-06)
- Patent AT-1907-34965 (Inventors: Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H, English title: Pressure relief valve for balloons, Tech fields: LTA, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-192662, Filing date: 1907-12-06)
- Patent AT-1908-35315 (English title: Method and device to regulate the inclination of an elongated airship by means of two air sacs, Tech fields: LTA • Navigation • Balloon, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-194166, Filing date: 1908-02-19)
- Patent AT-1908-35316 (Inventors: Motorluftschiff-Studiengesellschaft m. b. H., English title: Non-rigid propeller with flyweights, Tech fields: Propulsion • Propeller, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-194165, Filing date: 1908-02-19)
- Patent HU-1908-43355 (English title: Non-rigid propeller with swinging weights, Tech fields: Propellers • Propulsion • Subsystem, Filing date: 1908-02-20)
- Patent GB-1908-9799 (English title: Safety valve for air balloons, Tech fields: Safety • LTA • Valve • Balloon • Air pressure, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-192662, Filing date: 1908-05-05)
- Patent AT-1908-37188 (English title: Airship control, Tech fields: Control • LTA • Navigation • Airship • Rudder • Steering, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1907-202942, Filing date: 1908-10-08)
- Patent GB-1908-26381 (Inventors: Richard Lehmann • Johannes Heinze, English title: An Improved Aerial Projectile, Tech fields: Projectile • Toy, Supplementary to patent: Patent CH-1908-44848, Filing date: 1908-12-05)
- Patent CH-1908-44848 (Inventors: Richard Lehmann • Johannes Heinze, English title: Sleeve with bearing and control surfaces as a toy projectile, Tech fields: Projectile • Toy, Filing date: 1908-12-05)
- Patent DE-1908-226766 (Inventors: Richard Alexander-Katz, English title: Apparatus for lifting aircraft, for performances and testing, Tech fields: Experiment • Exhibition, Filing date: 1908-12-08)
- Patent AT-1909-47161 (English title: Wing surface with [shock-free entry?], Tech fields: Wing • Aileron • Airfoil, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1908-05-09 Motorluftschiff Studiengesellschaft m.b.H, Filing date: 1909-03-17)
- Patent DE-1909-236693 (English title: Device for autonomous movement of high-rudder ["elevator"] on aircraft, Tech fields: Control • Elevator, Filing date: 1909-04-29)
- Patent GB-1909-21040 (Inventors: Richard Alexander Katz, English title: Improvements in Temporary Shelters and Anchoring Devices for Air-ships, Filing date: 1909-09-14)
- Patent DE-1910-236694 (English title: Wood propellers for aircraft, Tech fields: Aerial propeller • Propeller blades • Wood, Filing date: 1910-02-14)
- Patent AT-1910-59092 (English title: Wooden propellers for aircraft, Tech fields: Subsystem • Propellers • Wood • Airplane • Dirigibles, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1910-236694, Filing date: 1910-10-15)
- Patent DE-1910-248876 (Inventors: Emil Wedekind, English title: Motorized airship with detachable gondola, Tech fields: LTA • Airship • Car • Gondola • Glider • Hybrid • Drachenflieger, Filing date: 1910-11-19)
- Patent GB-1911-3727 (English title: Improvements in propellers for airships and flying-machines, Tech fields: Aerial propeller, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1910-236694, Filing date: 1911-02-14)
- Patent HU-1911-56392 (English title: Wood Propeller for aircraft, Tech fields: Propellers • Subsystem • Wood • Airplane • Aerodynamics • Design, Supplementary to patent: Patent DE-1910-236694, Filing date: 1911-03-13)
- Patent NO-1912-22127 (Inventors: Richard Wilcke • Albert Graff, English title: Airship, Tech fields: Airship)
- Patent DE-1912-258835 (Inventors: Emil Dueball • Willi Heilemann, English title: Aircraft with stabilizing surfaces on the top and bottom of the lateral wing tips, Tech fields: Stability, Filing date: 1912-02-22)
- Patent GB-1913-10182 (Inventors: Paul Westphal, English title: An Improved Rib for the Planes of Flying Machines, Tech fields: Rib • Spar, Filing date: 1913-04-30)
- Patent DE-1913-304047 (Inventors: Albert Simon, English title: Non-rigid airship body divided into cells, with ballonnet, Tech fields: Non-rigid • LTA • Compartments • Ballonet, Filing date: 1913-06-05)
- Patent GB-1913-22124 (English title: Air-ships with Sub-divided Inner Chambers, Tech fields: LTA • Balloon • Ballonet • Frame, Filing date: 1913-10-01)
- Patent DE-1915-334826 (English title: Propeller with adjustable pitch, Tech fields: Propeller, Filing date: 1915-10-12)
- Patent DE-1917-328800 (English title: Method for adjusting adjustable and reversible propellers, Tech fields: Propeller, Filing date: 1917-01-03)
- Patent DE-1917-326429 (English title: Fittings for aeroplane spars and the like, Tech fields: Spars • Connectors, Filing date: 1917-02-07)
- Patent CH-1917-75936 (Inventors: Hermann Panschar, English title: Motorless flying machine combined with a gas balloon, Tech fields: Gliders • LTA • Hybrid • Propellers • Propulsion, Filing date: 1917-04-25)
- Patent HU-1917-77891 (English title: Equipment for starting the rotating motor and aeroplane auxiliary equipment, Tech fields: Motors • Airplane • Ignition, Supplementary to patent: Patent 1917-03-15 Siemens & Halske Aktiengesellshaft, Filing date: 1917-08-04)
- Patent HU-1917-77894 (English title: Four-winged woodpropeller, likely a four-bladed propeller made of wood, Tech fields: Propellers • Airplane • Wood, Supplementary to patent: Patent 1917-01-19 Siemens & Halske A.-G., Filing date: 1917-10-06)
- Patent AT-1917-80167 (Inventors: Albert Simon, English title: Blimp, Tech fields: LTA • Frame • Balloon • Compartments • Whole • Design • Gas • Safety, Filing date: 1917-10-20)
- Patent DE-1918-341425 (English title: Controllable pitch or reversing propeller, Tech fields: Propeller, Filing date: 1918-03-05)
- Patent DE-1918-328802 (English title: Propeller setting tool, Tech fields: Propeller, Filing date: 1918-06-12)
- Patent DE-1918-327778 (English title: Adjustable or self-regulating propeller, Tech fields: Propeller, Filing date: 1918-08-28)
Publications referring to Berlin
- Malkewitz, 1880, Die erste Berliner Lufttreise (Simple title: The first Berlin air trip, Journal: Vossische Zeitung)
- Lippert, 1885, Natürliche Fliege-Systeme neue Aufl., contra Ballon-Systeme Berlin-Pariser Aufl. (Simple title: Natural Fly Systems New Edition, contra Balloon Systems Berlin-Pariser Aufl.)
- König, 1886, Der erste deutsche Luftschiffer (Jungius) in Berlin (Simple title: The first German airship (Jungius) in Berlin, Journal: D. Berliner)
- Mck, 1886, Ein Berliner Ballon captif (Simple title: A Berlin captive balloon, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Angerstein, 1887, Die Uebungen der Militär-Luftschifferabtheilung bei Berlin (Simple title: The exercises of the military airship division near Berlin, Journal: Ill. Ztg.)
- Publication 6306, 1889, Hundertjähriges Jubiläum der Luftschifffahrt in Berlin (Simple title: Centenary of airship travel in Berlin, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Angerstein, 1889, Die Leroux'schen Fallschirmfahrten in Berlin (Simple title: The Leroux parachute rides in Berlin, Journal: Ill. Ztg.)
- Moedebeck, 1890, L'Aeronaute de Berlin (Simple title: The Berlin Aeronaut, Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Publication 2431, 1897, La catastrophe de l'aérostat en aluminium de Berlin (Simple title: The Berlin aluminum aerostat disaster, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Moedebeck, 1898, Betrachtungen über das lenkbare Luftschiff und Bericht über den Versuch mit dem Aluminium-Luftschiff in Berlin (Simple title: Reflections on the steerable airship and report on the experiment with the aluminum airship in Berlin, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Jäger, 1899, Zur Frage des Widerstandes, welchen bewegte Keft, 1899, Berlin, en bewegte Körper in Flüssigkeiten und Gasen erfahren. (Simple title: On the question of resistance, which moved Keft, 1899, Berlin experiences in moving bodies in liquids and gases., Journal: Zeitschr. Luftsch.)
- Krebs, 1901, Luftwogen über Mitteleuropa am 7 Juli 1894. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik der Berliner wissenschaftlichen Luftfahrten (Simple title: Aerial Wings over Central Europe on July 7, 1894. A Contribution to the Criticism of the Berlin Scientific Air Rides, Journal: Annalen der Hydrographie)
- Fonvielle, 1902, III congrès international d'aéronautique tenu à Berlin du 20 au 24 mai 1902 (Simple title: III International Aeronautical Congress held in Berlin from May 20 to 24, 1902, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 6819, 1905, Die Königlich Preussische Luftschifferabtheilung, Berlin 1884-1905 (Simple title: The Royal Prussian Airship Department, Berlin 1884-1905)
- Rue, 1906, Les fêtes aéronautiques de Berlin (Simple title: The aeronautical festivals of Berlin, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 3131, 1906, La Coupe Gordon-Bennett (Simple title: The Gordon Bennett Cup, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 3132, 1907, Le Coupe Gordon-Bennett (Simple title: The Gordon Bennett Cup, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication 3136, 1907, La Coupe Gordon-Bennett du 30 sept. 1906 (Simple title: The Gordon Bennett Cup of September 30, 1906, Journal: L'Aéronautique)
- Publication 3135, 1907, La Coupe Gordon-Bennett à l'Allemagne. Classement definitif des deux premiers (Simple title: The Gordon Bennett Cup in Germany. Final classification of the first two, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication 3091, 1908, La coppa Gordon-Bennett Berlino, ottobre, 1908 (Simple title: The Gordon-Bennett Cup Berlin, October, 1908, Journal: Suppl. Sport. Boll. Aer. Ital.)
- Moedebeck, 1908, Bericht über die internationalen Wettfliegen in Berlin am 10, 11 und 12 Oktober (Simple title: Report on the international races in Berlin on 10, 11 and 12 October, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 3134, 1908, La Coupe Gordon-Bennett 1908 (Simple title: The Gordon Bennett Cup 1908, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Degoul, 1908, La machine volante Berlin (Simple title: The flying machine Berlin, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 5349, 1908, Die Gordon-Bennett-Fahrer in Berlin (Simple title: The Gordon-Bennett race in Berlin, Journal: Ill. Aër. Mitt.)
- Publication 3137, 1908, La Coupe Gordon-Bennett. Berlin 11 octobre 1908 (Simple title: The Gordon Bennett Cup. Berlin October 11, 1908, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication 13056, 1909, Les Wright à Pau, Paul Tissandier élève-pilote, l'aéroplane Zipfel à Berlin, l'aéroplane Witzig-Lioré-Dutilleul, le biplan Obre, le biplan Lejeune, etc (Simple title: The Wrights in Pau, Paul Tissandier student pilot, the Zipfel airplane in Berlin, the Witzig-Lioré-Dutilleul airplane, the Obre biplane, the Lejeune biplane, Journal: L'Aérophile)
- Publication 12508, 1909, Les vols de Zipfel, à Berlin (Simple title: Flights from Zipfel, Berlin, Journal: La Conq. l'Air)
- Publication B2p1485e10, 1909, Lo Zeppelin III da Friedrichshafen a Berlino (Simple title: Zeppelin III from Friedrichshafen to Berlin, Journal: Riv. Tech. Aer. Boll. Soc. Aer. Ital.)
- Publication B2p0012e14, 1911, Aerial flight, Munich-Berlin (Simple title: Aerial flight, Munich-Berlin, Journal: Viestnik VodukhoplavaniiaFlight)