BE 16

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(Alas, we have reason to believe that this is not a particularly aeronautical classification.)

This designation was uncovered simply as a “CATÉGORIE DU BREVET”, as found in a very antique and hand-written Belgian patent catalogue, accessed by way of virtual access to Les archives de l'État en Belgique. It is fortunate that this very early material has been digitized, though the site is complicated, linguistically and otherwise, and registration is strongly encouraged. The process is painstaking, though the above link, and-or that of DUT: Accès aux brevets belges - Toegangen op de Belgische brevetten., followed by tabs selections such as ""Éléments des archives" or "Archives numérisées", are routes which will be helpful.

Partially in the manner of an archival accessibility test, Patent BE-1851-5939 was selected and added to our data. (In this case we are dealing with "a new application of centrifugal force", pertinent to later developments in aviation.) Category "16", in association with this patent, was found via the process articulated above.

We are currently in contact with Belgian officials regarding an outlined history of these numerical classifications as they evolved into the later Belgian alphabetical system with which we have more familiarity. (See our data on "BE K".) The integrated documentation of these matters as they pertain to industrial property law, and to the history of Belgium itself, as a nation, are matters of interest to us.

This wiki has 1 patents in category "BE 16".

Patents in category BE 16

Enclosing categories Belgian patent classifications
Start year
End year